Nope, No White Christmas Here
Here's my desktop weather report. Its raining. And its 52 today. Looks like no snow for us for Christmas. Christmas and snowboarding are the only good reasons for snow. Oh, and those cute boots I just bought from Columbia on clearance, I guess that's another good reason for snow.
Hopefully I will remember to use my digital camera at Christmas this year so that I can post some pics (not of me, sorry, I don't photograph well!).
After work we are going to Sushi Rock to have some holiday cocktails and celebrate my friend's new international job...I'm so happy for her but sorry to see her leaving! Then, tomorrow I'm off to Toledo to visit some friends and spend Christmas Eve with at my Aunt Kathleen's with my cousins and then off to my Aunt Jodi & Gene's for Christmas Day.
Merry Christmas! Hope everyone has a good one!
Hopefully I will remember to use my digital camera at Christmas this year so that I can post some pics (not of me, sorry, I don't photograph well!).
After work we are going to Sushi Rock to have some holiday cocktails and celebrate my friend's new international job...I'm so happy for her but sorry to see her leaving! Then, tomorrow I'm off to Toledo to visit some friends and spend Christmas Eve with at my Aunt Kathleen's with my cousins and then off to my Aunt Jodi & Gene's for Christmas Day.
Merry Christmas! Hope everyone has a good one!
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