Thursday, October 25, 2007

And because its a knitting cartoon

Becuase SUCKS

I just bought my own website! I will be leaving here soon (soon, I hope). As soon as I can put down the knitting needles and design my new site, I will be moving my blog there! I'll keep you updated!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Couple New Projects

Check out the awesome new bookcase I got from Ikea! I love it! All my yarn is in one place and I'm not tripping over it anymore!

So I have been busy and here's proof...
I finally finished that fair isle hat I was working on. It wasn't as hard as I thought to finish it off. I just had to have someone show me because the directions weren't real clear.

Next I whipped up a little hat for Jodi's new baby, Aiden. Hopefully it will get there right in time for Halloween / Thanksgiving! I hope it fits his head, I adjusted the pattern a bit. Its the first one I've ever done for a baby, so I hope it fits! Isn't that the cutest baby you've ever seen!?!?

I'm 90% finished with my mom's Christmas stuff. She wanted new potholders for her kitchen since her's didn't match. So here's the guts of that project. I need to whip out the sewing machine and put them together then they're finished! Overall, I'm pretty happy with the project, I think they're cute and I love the fabrics I found! You can't really see it in the pic, but the green one on the right has this really cool basketweave, took forever, but its awesome!

And last but not least - this is going to be a purse...someday. Again, I need to whip out the sewing machine, and I hate sewing, so when I get around to it, that project will be finished too. Its really not as ugly as it looks in the pic...I swear!

So that's it for unfinished projects right now. I've sworn that I'm not starting any new ones till these are put away! Next on the list...

* A turtle hat for Wylie (don't ask).
* A surprise project for my Nana.
* Another really cool purse pattern I found. Cabled and winter white, its really cute.
* A hat for one of my manager's new grandson. I was gonna do another pumpkin hat, but I'm not sure when I'm going to get around to this. Maybe a Christmas hat.
* I need to finish the Christmas Stocking that I started in class. I just can't get motivated!
* I'm going to make stitch markers, I bought the stuff.
* I'm going to make custom knitting needles.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

I Stole This From Someone

A little about-me to fill up space while I knit you something interesting to post about...

Three things I fear:
1. clowns
2. semi trucks with eyes and mouths painted on them
3. failure

Three people who make me laugh:
1. Steven
2. Wylie
3. Kara

Three things I love:
1. my sister / coffee - they're tied for first lol
2. knitting
3. shopping

Three things I don't like:
1. paying bills
2. summer
3. yellow

Three things I don't understand:
1. football
2. chemistry
3. why people would rather be in bad relationships than alone

Three things on my desk
1. glass of iced tea
2. my favorite pen
3. Jodi's wedding photo

Three things I am doing right now:
1. avoiding doing things I need to be doing
2. looking for new patterns to knit
3. eating some samples of chocolate truffles we just got in at work

Three things I want to do before I die:
1. travel the world
2. own my own house
3. knit lots of stuff to leave behind

Three things I can do:
1. play the violin (not well)
2. knit!
3. find all the best deals when shopping

Three things I can’t do:
1. get up early
2. get anywhere on time
3. get anything done unless I've showered

Three things you should listen to:
1. Ani DiFranco
2. silence
3. an orchestra, live

Three things you should never listen to:
1. Ann Coulter
2. Rush Limbaugh
3. other hypocrites, racists, and homo-phobes

Three shows I watched as a kid:
1. Roseanne
2. DeGrassi Junior High
3. My So Called Life

Monday, October 08, 2007

Check It Out!

My first attempt at Fair Isle! It went well but took forever! Still can't figure out how to finish the top, so I have to go back to class for that. But I like it! Here's a close up of the pattern.

I sent a pic to Wy and she replied "I guess I know what we're all getting for Christmas this year".

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Oh the Memories...

I just got back from my knitting class. It was awesome and I was a rock star! As soon as the hat's finished I'll put up a pic, so far so good.

So anyways, somehow Matt and I got on the subject tonight of Nana and Pop-pop memories. I think because we were eating apples...anyways, here are a few of our favorites:

* How they never say anything bad about people, like the time I asked Pop-pop "what's for lunch?" and he told me we'd be living off the fat of the land today. (By the way, is that "fat of the land, or fat of the lamb"???) I digress...

* Player piano

* Skinny dipping in the lake and those shoes you had to wear cause of the rocks

* I swear - there's a 4th sandbar! Let's find it!

* White Russians, homemade wine and beer

* Dandelion picking and Taco Bell

* Pop-pop sleeping in the chair while the Cubs were playing, us grabbing the remote and changing the channel and his uncanny ability to arise from a dead snoring sleep and say loudy "I was watching that"!

* The phone that goes "Beep" when you press it and how much it annoyed everyone

* Doing everything in the Gazebo, cause Nana just liked saying the word.

* Nana's laughing

* Waking up in the morning to the lake and a cool breeze, the smell of waffles in the air, and WJR on the radio

* The mossy rock in the lake

* Cribbage, Is the Pop Catholic?, and Scattergories

* The mantle Christmas village

* The wall mounted phone message area that kept the cereal prizes

* The Tootsie Roll Pops on the car ride home

* The words Davenport and Oleo

* Every camper / skier is responsible for his or her own equipment

* Popcorn AND ice cream at night

* The Cosby Show

* Thunder snoring

* Trying on Aunt Bitsy's prom dress

* The Boogie Records bumper sticker

* Going to the craft fairs with Nana at Christmas

* Always asking to spend the night every time we went up to see them

* Pop-pop making us do his chores just as soon as Nana left the house

* Dam Boat I, Dam Boat get the picture

* Ice skating on the canal

* That awesome hill on the drive in (the "whoopdido" as Beth calls it)

* Searching for sand glass, no shells, plenty of dead fish and lakeweed

* Those awesome butter rolls

* Chocolate cakes with chocolate icing

* Diet ice cream

* Turning the ice cream so fast I'd get yelled at that it would turn into butter, that way I didn't have to crank anymore.

* The bobblehead Cubs doll

* The Army blanket

* That sweater in the hall closet that everyone wears

* Playing with oil lamps that were never lit

* That hammerhead shark

* Camping, skiing, apple picking and riding in the trunk every year

* The juccuzi tub and the red light!

* The swirly stairs of death

* That look and the ring that followed

* "Don't let your Nana catch you doing that, she'll turn you every way but loose"

* We can't use a calculator cause our Pop-pop won't allow it

* Nana will have a Ku-Nip-Shun

* Its time for your snappy!

* The best fires in the fireplace on winter nights

* That processional from the stairs, down the hall, under the tree while singing Silent Night and placing the baby Jesus in his crib

* The trip where we took the train to Malinta where we picked raspberries and had the best pizza burgers ever!

* Nana singing us to sleep with that "Mother Mary" song

* Stinky monk cheese that tastes soooooo good

We've been laughing all night and we miss you guys!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

No News Is Not Necessarily Good News...

My mom called from Oregon last night. I hadn't heard from her since she left. I just assumed they were out there having a good time. She said when they got to my Great Aunt's house, my grandma fell and broke her left wrist and right shoulder :( They spent the night in the hospital and they come home on Thursday as scheduled. So, crappy vacation overall. I'm sorry to hear it and not that my grandma reads this but:

Get Well Soon! Love You!

Current Projects

Well, tomorrow night I have my first Fair Isle Hat class. I can't wait. I love Fair Isle patterns but I have no idea where to even start teaching myself, so I've enlisted some help from the local yarn store. I'll put up a pic when I'm done.

I just finished Jodi's baby blanket...finally. I hope she's not reading this cause its a surprise! Have to get it washed up and shipped out to her asap since the baby's already here. I'm thinking of making a little hat to go along with it, I just haven't decided.

I got some awesome yarn the other day that I need to start working with. I tried making it into a hat, but I think it just wasn't thick enough, so now its going to be a scarf.

When my mom was out a couple of weeks ago, we went to the yarn store and bought some Alpaca yarn. Its so soft. I made her a scarf out of it, but it wasn't wide enough, and I ran out of yarn, so I pulled it out to start over :(

I have tons of projects going on lately. Also I'm looking into a "Knit for Charity" where I would do baby blankets and hats for the kids at the children's hospital. The cancer kids like the beanies. I just like making them, so they may as well be put to good use!
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